Stitch-Kins is a delightful coloring book featuring over 84 original, hand-drawn illustrations by the award-winning team at Peeler-Rose Studios. This 176-page collection introduces Stitch-Kins, an enchanting world of plush-like cartoon animals stitched together by an adorable mouse in search of new friends.
From aardvarks to zebras and beloved classics like kittens, puppies, and teddy bears, children and adults alike will adore coloring this diverse and whimsical menagerie. Each illustration is presented on single-sided pages with white backing to prevent bleed-through, making it perfect for all coloring tools.
Features include:
For over 40 years, Peeler-Rose Studios has championed creativity with the motto, “You can do anything!” Stitch-Kins continues this legacy, offering a joyful coloring experience that sparks the imagination.
Available directly from Peeler-Rose Studios or Amazon, this book ships signed by the authors and illustrators, Dan Peeler & Charlie Rose, with free shipping on Black Friday Weekend. Retailers can inquire about a 40% discount for bulk orders.
Explore, create, and discover the magic of Stitch-Kins!